Probably not, but you never know. Christopher Nolan’s marketing team is clever, original, and very, very sneaky. The “Why So Serious?” and “I Believe in Harvey Dent” viral campaigns for the last Batman film set the standard for entertaining and effective Internet marketing (they were also a ton of fun). Aint it Cool News has the lowdown.



The Dark Knight had some of the best viral marketing in movie history, and now it looks as if that mysterious stuff is going to continue with the final Christopher Nolan Batman film, The Dark Knight Rises. Warner Bros. opened the official website at, and if you head there, you’ll see a pixellated image of a figure. The code was cracked earlier today by some fans, and here is the image in all its glory (click image for hi-res version):

It’s our first glimpse of Tom Hardy as Bane, and it seems as if Nolan is going for a real “maniacal caged animal” look  for the character. I’m sure we’re in store for a lot more of these enigmatic images and viral tomfoolery for the next year. The Dark Knight Rises opens in June, 2012.


Many big-time Hollywood Blockbuster directors like to cast the same actors in their films: Scorcese likes Robert DeNiro, Spielberg and Lucas work with Harrison Ford a lot, and Tim Burton is completely in love with Johnny Depp. Now Christopher Nolan is taking this trend to the next level by embarking on what appears to be a crusade to get every actor in Inception into the final Batman film, The Dark Knight Rises.

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Lo Pan’s Link Dump 08-20-08

Ed. Note: Lo Pan’s Link Dump is a weekly roundup of the latest geek culture headlines, ripped off gathered from various websites and news sources, all brought to you by your favorite 3,000 year old Chinese sorcerer, David Lo Pan!

Look kids, brand new posters for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen! I like the one taken from Optimus Prime’s audition for The Dark Knight. Heh.

Brian Austin Green says he wants to play the Riddler in a sequel to The Dark Knight. Yeah, okay David Silver. I have a better chance of riding on a winged unicorn with a naked Scarlett Johannsen through an enchanted kingdom made of gumdrops and rainbows then you do of even sniffing the door to Christopher Nolan’s office. In a related story, Ian Zeiring stated that he would dress up as Catwoman for a grilled cheese sandwhich.

You know, just as an aside, I really don’t get all this talk of the Riddler as the next Batman villain.  I mean, for the third act, you’re going to follow Batman’s arch nemesis with a second-rate baddie like the Riddler? The way I see it, there’s really only one way to go, and that is to re-cast the Joker. That may seem sacreligious after what Ledger has done with the character, but hey, the show must go on. There have been six James Bonds, Three Jack Ryans, and five Batmans, so there’s absolutely no reason why there can’t be a fourth Joker.

Tom Cruise wants to make a comic book movie. Wonderful. I’m sure this project will feature absolutely no Scientology propaganda.

It looks like the Voltron movie has some new financiers and may be close to being green-lit for production. Apparently it won’t be a huge-budget production like Michael Bay’s Transformers, but rather a moderately-priced feature with lots of green screen effects ala 300 and Sin City. Hmmm, so are we going to get a shirtless Keith screaming, “Madness? THIS. IS. ARUS!!!!” ?

Bad news for Superman movie fans: it looks like the proposed sequel, The Man of Steel is in a “holding pattern” over at Warner Brothers, until studio executives “figure out what to do with the property next”. Translation: “We need to hire someone who won’t make Superman an effeminate, whiny, jealous super-stalker. Oh, and also the movie was a giant, smelly turd.”

Here’s a really cool article about the making of the 1980 film, Flash Gordon. God, I love that movie. The highlight of the piece is Brian Blessed (the guy who played the Hawkman leader, Vultan), talking about how he would laugh and chase midgets around the set. Awesome.

Last but not least, here’s an awesome and hilarious blog called Springfield Punx, which features all manner of superheroes, sci-fi characters, and other random pop culture figures rendered Simpsons-style.

Lo Pan’s Link Dump: 08/06/08

Ed. Note: Lo Pan’s Link Dump is a weekly roundup of the latest geek culture headlines, ripped off gathered from various websites and news sources, all brought to you by your favorite 3,000 year old Chinese sorcerer, David Lo Pan!

The Dark Knight hits the $400 million dollar mark in just 18 days.

Once upon a time, Hollywood was going to make a Halo film. Here’s some newly-discovered concept art and some info on the spec script written by Staurt Beattie in 2001. Hey, want to try something fun? Replace the ‘Chief’ in Master Chief with ‘Bates’, and say it out loud really fast. Haw!

Despite all reports that the script is ass on toast, it looks like the Justice League movie is back on track to start shooting in early 2009. Hmmm…think The Dark Knight making 8 kazillion dollars had anything to do with this sudden resurrection of a comic book property featuring Batman?

Overrated comic creator Todd MacFarlane shares his opinion on the proposed spinoff film of his overrated character, Venom. I hate to break it to you fanboys, but Venom sucks. Always has, always will.

Finally, Megatron may be back in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen in tank form. However, he will still look like a pile of spikes and broken boombox parts in robot form. Oh, and the movie will also suck just as hard as the first one.