Bleeding Cool posted these exclusive new pics of Kilowog, the big, bruising drill sergeant of the Green Lantern Corps from the upcoming Summer blockbuster starring Ryan Reynolds. I don’t really have anything to say about these pics, other than I knew this guy is an alien from the planet Blovax Viks without having to look it up on Wikipedia. If I had a time machine, I’d go back to the day that was burned into my memory instead of some algebraic equation and punch myself in the face. Green Lantern opens on June 17th. (Check out another pic after the jump)

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Director Marc Webb’s Spider-Man reboot finally has a title: The Amazing Spider-Man. I absolutely love it. It’s simple, it’s classic, and it also happens to be the title of the first Spider-Man comic book series, which is still running to this day. It also leaves the door open for similarly-titled sequels in the future, such as Sensational Spider-Man, Spectacular Spider-Man, Constipated Spider-Man, Emo Spider-Man, etc. The Amazing Spider-Man stars Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone, and will debut on July 3, 2012.


So apparently, back in 2007, Warner Brothers began development on a CG-Animated ThunderCats film, under the helm of Gears of War art director Jerry O’ Flaherty. The film was shitcanned a couple of years later, and the test footage was locked away in the Warner Bros. vaults, never to be seen or heard again. However, nothing stays buried from rabid geeks forever, and a site called Flixist got their hands on what they claim is the actual test reel from the abandoned project – a scene of a young Lion-O battling Slithe. As I’ve stated in the past, I don’t really have a stake in a successful or faithful ThunderCats reboot, so the only thing that I can say about this footage is that the young Lion-O is a complete douchebag. What are your thoughts, ‘Cola readers?


My initial impressions? It looks much better than I thought it would, and I really dig the music. The trailer itself starts out a bit amateurish, almost like a fan-made trailer with the awkwardly worded Magneto and Professor X captions; but then it rallies and picks up some exciting momentum. Fassbender and McAvoy look like they are going to knock it out the park, but the supporting mutants look pretty bland. The CGI is a mixed bag; the Blackbird/submarine sequence looked fantastic, but the Mystique and White Queen transformations looked like effects from the first X-Men film ten years ago. What do you think? After the jump: check out the poster and a photo of Magneto!

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Good God. In the wake of The Human Torch’s death in Fantastic Four #587, the team will don these boring, monochromatic new uniforms and become “The Future Foundation”. From the Marvel Press release:

Their mission is simple: save the Marvel Universe from its greatest threats and prevent future dangers from arising. But even with knowledge of what’s to come and one of the most powerful teams ever assembled, just what villainous force could stand in their way?

The team will also take on Spider-man as a member of the family, to sell more books and action figures replace his old frenemy Johnny Storm. The truly sad part about all of this is that these changes are clearly designed to pump up interest and sell books two or three years down the road, when The Human Torch is resurrected, and the team returns to their original name and costumes. It’s a tired old trick that we’ve seen in comics time and time again (see- “Reign of the Supermen”, “Batman: Knightfall”, “Heroes Reborn”, “The Death of Captain America”, etc. etc.). Check out the cover to The Future Foundation #1 and see more promotional artwork after the jump:

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