A while back, I wrote an article titled Top Ten Good Things About The Star Wars Prequels in which I  attempted to disprove the notion that the universally loathed Episodes I-III had absolutely no redeeming qualities. It was fairly well-received, so I began to think about other much-maligned movie franchises that might make for suitable sequels to the piece.  A friend suggested that I should try mining the dank, black coal caves of the two painfully mediocre Fantastic Four films for some valuable cinematic gems. Now, most Marvel Comics fans agree that Fantastic Four (2005) and the slightly better Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007) leave a lot to be desired (many will tell you, quite bluntly, that they outright suck giant rhino balls). These duds feature unimaginative direction by Tim Story, a lack of epic scope, weak action scenes, a lousy latex Thing costume, the infamous “Galactus Cloud”, and a horribly mis-cast Julian McMahon as a weaselly business tycoon version of Dr. Doom. Yet, despite all of these shortcomings, I managed to dig up a few things – 9 to be precise – that will make you feel like you haven’t completely wasted precious hours of your life watching them. So, without further ado, LaserCola.com presents:

9 Good Things About The Fantastic Four Movies!

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Entertainment Weekly has just posted this exclusive, hi-res pic of Hugo Weaving as Johann Schmidt, A.K.A. The Red Skull. In my opinion, the makeup and costume artists here have absolutely nailed it. It’s a perfect cinematic translation of one of the most iconic comic book villains of all-time. I have nothing snarky to say about the Red Skull at all. EW also has an interview with Captain America: The First Avenger director Joe Johnston. Check it out and get ready to kick Nazi ass on July 22!


Hey gang, I’ve been absent from the site for a few days, so I thought I’d get you caught up on all the latest Bay-hem and other geek happenings with these quick one-liners. One link, one snarky comment – GO!

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(Ed. Note -By LaserCola contributor Etrane Martinez)

New this week on DVD is DC Universe’s animated movie All-Star Superman, starring the voices of James Denton (best known for his role as Mike Delfino on Desperate Housewives) and Christina Hendricks (The red headed Amazonian beauty, Joan Harris from the acclaimed series Mad Men). The full length feature is based on a 12-issue story by the same name created by comic book veterans Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely in 2008 for DC Comics. On top of that, the movie is produced by DC’s own golden boy Bruce Timm. In the fanboy world, if it’s animated and Bruce Timm produced it you know it’s more than likely really good. It’s easy to see the amount of talent and name-power DC Universe used to create All-Star Superman, so logic would say another slam dunk for the DC animation department! With that in mind, here’s my reaction to my viewing DC’s new creation last week… did I mention how awesome Bruce Timm is?

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